Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Photos from the 3rd Annual Cowboys and Indians Party + Shots from Last Week w/ JT Curtis and the Silver Eagle Band

Photos of Last Week's 3rd Annual Cowboys and Indians Party + Crowd Shots from the Whole Week w/ JT Curtis and the Silver Eagle Band

Hey Ya'll,

Cowboy Bill's loves JT Curtis and the Silver Eagle Band. And we hope they love us, because they will either shoot us or scalp us for putting this next photo first of JT Curtis (cowboy) with Ozzy (Chief Runamok).

Ozzy Osbourne on the left (now pianist for JT Curtis and the Silver Eagle Band) with his twin brother of different mothers, JT Curtis. It is this DJ's belief JT should make this the cover shot of his next CD. The CD title should be "Peace In the Valley".

That published, let's give you some photographic chronicles of last week in the weirdest honky tonk in the known Cosmos*

(*should be pronounced with the deep gravitas of Carl Sagan, astronomer from Deadwood.)

And the winners in the male category for best dressed cowboy or Indian in the 3rd Annual Cowboys and Indians Party Costume Contest were . . .

I believe this was Kevin who tied for first place in the Men's Cowboy and Indian's Costumer Contest.

. . . and I believe this is John who tied Kevin for 1st Place in the 3rd Annual Cowboy and Indian's Contest

I hope I got their names correct so they don't track me down and put a cap in my ass!

Chief Chris, our bartender at the MIHOP Bar the night of the 3rd Annual Cowboys and Indians Party

Chris had the coolest Indian headgear of anybody. Next year, you enter the contest, O' Wild One!

Peco and Jeff assuring Ms. Irene it was not they who cut the ass out of her leather cowgirl pants.

JT Curtis and the Silver Eagle Band: Someone needs to do follow them around and capture their humor on video

Haley and Wendy worked the Saloon Bar the night of the 3rd Annual Cowboys and Indians Party. Smoking!

The two beautiful Sports Bartenders for the night of the party are Rachel and Shannon, left to right. Shannon won the Female Costume Contest.

JT Curtis teaching the Silver Eagle Band his new song which starts in the Key of "H".

That's our increidible Squaw Anna, dominatrix of the mechanical bull.

"Elizabeth, it's the big one!" Niki won the shortest short shorts award hands down. Looks like she's playing bank teller to Irene, My Sharona and maybe Wendy back there? Girl talk, don't enter guys!

Princess My Sharona reads a Marlboro Lights pack and is laughing that "Cigarette Smoking may make you dizzy to the point where you think you're a singer for the B-52's!"

JT Curtis and the Silver Eagle Band sing "Happy Birthday" to Samantha, one of our Beer Tub Babes. I think it was her 16th or 17 birthday. We're not sure. All we remember is her boyfriend, Mike, buying the whole bar shots to celebrate.

As usual, the Late Show produced even weirder scenes . . .

Who Ya gonna call when the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse are banging on your front door? L to R, Monster and Ron Rice Paddie, that's who! They ain't scared on no biblical screed written by a Mushroom Eater!

Looks like whoever cut away the back of Irene's pants went to town on this lady's blouse in the back!

Part of the extravaganza "3rd Annual Cowboys and Indians Party" was that any hot blonde wearing a black dress got whipped by a haute coture wearing blond wielding one of Ron Ricepaddie's cat of 9 tails!

Haley channels her inner Stripper and gives Samantha her first lap dance. Men broke down crying, yelling, "Not fair!". Then they showered the dancefloor with 20 dollar bills.

Haley and Samantha were the last two remaining in this game of musical chairs. It's so nice they shared!

Armed and Dangerous, Haley doing the Honky Tonk Badonkadonk . . . or maybe that's the Jagerbomb Crawl?

That's Ozzy Osbourne (Chief Runamok) leading the crowd in his new hit, "Crazy Stage Coach".

That's a super gal, Ms. Jen, in pink. She arrived after the contest. Had she been here earlier with her friend, they would have both won prizes!

That's Prince Shalid Andyallah and his harem of six new brides he intends to offer up to "Da Avalanche of Steel" as a peace offering.

DJ Duke Donavan from Rick's caught off guard, "Wait, you mean you only play country music in this bar? C'mon."

That's Mark the lead guitarist and JT Curtis, famous Rap Star, covering and old Vanilla Ice song . . . or maybe not.

In my next life, may I date a Siamese twin like this one sporting four arms, two beautiful heads, four breasts, two hips, four legs . . . you get the picture. Actually it's Chris and her beautiful friend Stehpanie from the Hogsbreath doing the Kama Sutra Dance, which is a craze at Miss Irene's House of Pain Whiskey Bar.

Women by the stage picking out which band members they'd jump in a lightening bolt.

Anonymous dancers pulled to the dancefloor by JT Curtis and the Silver Eagle Band.

That's Rick the Cavalier Cowboy on drums barking out 4/4 times for the band.

We never found out where the hottie in the orange dress came from, but we hope she comes back soon. The band played any request she made . . . even if they didn't know the song.

Another reason you should never leave the bar before 2:30 AM

So this gal comes in about 2:30 AM and says, "I want to take off my dress and get up on that bull and have my picture taken. So I go into the office, arm wrestle Captain Billy into coming out as tired as he was, and have him offer to use the scantily clad lady his knee as a step up onto the bull. Duty above and beyond.

"Kiss my foot, picture takers!"

The Unknown Cowgirl grabs the bull by the ass instead of the horns. Hey, it's Key West.

Nice arm extension, good back movement, great body tone, I'll give her a TEN for this routine, Bryant!

"I'll only jump off it you will gift wrap this and send it to my home."

The Late, Late Show (after 3 AM) brings out the Long Ball hitting fun bunch

Robert "The Guvnah" Dean and some country gal who liked to dance.

Jagermeister's Spokes Model Trio: Left to right, Chris, Frank and Shannon

Ms. Tammy our Beer Tub Babe (and one helluva Sexy Bull Rider) this past Friday or Saturday

Captain Billy standing next to Zorro's daughter, Anna, who is also the Dominatrix of the Mechanical Bull. The guy in the forefront is enjoying the heat coming off Anna's radiant smile.

A bachelorette party celebrating a few moments of freedom at the MIHOP Bar.

Do the Sammich! I don't think CMT is ready for this kind of country dancing just yet . . .

Just as long no strap ons are involved, this version of the hokey pokey is fun for the whole darn family!

That is the indispensable Dani squeezing Ms. Irene's Charmin. Dani helped run the 13th Annual Singer Songwriter festival and she did an excellent job rounding up the folks for our club!

The new bar game, "Lick the Long Neck" is sweeping Key West. I need to ask that guy where I can buy a hat with the brim sewed on the side like that. I've been looking all over for one of those hats, and these damn kids won't tell me where to buy one.

Wendy, Saloon Bartender Extraordinaire with her painter bib overalls thrown over something from Victoria Secrets. Our bartenders are definitely developing some new style which we haven't got a name for . . . yet.

This bunch was there at closing time. They sang, danced, and drank like All-American Boys and Girls.

And then the bar closed and the staff had to let off some steam . . .

Wendy reverts back to her toddler days. That's Jake coming in for a "kill".

Late, late, late show Knuckleheads, left to right: JT Curtis, Mark, Josh with the mumps, Irene laughing, and Jake leaning over Irene's shoulder. In the back, that is Frank holding a 1200 pound tricycle with one hand.

It's Wendy and Jake coming down the stretch with back tires smoking.

Last photo stars, once again, Jason from our Wagon Wheel Restaurant. This is his second job, Zamboni Driver for resurfacing the Cowboy Bill's Dancefloor each night! We love you Jason!

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