Wednesday, March 11, 2009

ATTENTION SPRING BREAKERS! Welcome to America's Caribbean and Welcome To Cowboy Bill's Honky Tonk Saloon In Key West, Florida!

Cowboy Bill's welcomes all the Spring Breakers flocking to our bar these past two weeks . . . . . . and we welcome those of you who are coming down in the next two weeks.
With the problems down in Mexico (violence due to drug gang wars) many of you have opted to stay put in the good old U.S.A this year. There's no cooler Spring Break destination than Key West, where the party never ends. I thought I'd post some beach pictures along with some pictures of this week's band, Craig Boyd and Southland, along with some photos of students from UNC, North Carolina State, UVA, FSU, UF, University of Pennsylvania, York College, UCF, and elsewhere.
When you get here, stop by the DJ booth and let me know your college's name so I can give you a shoutout . . . By the way, we have some drink specials you need to know about:

Monday through Friday from 4 to 7 PM, here and at our other location at 430 Green Street (called Cowboy Bill's Reloaded) we have 2 for 1 drinks. And . . . the special which most of you can't get over . . . are the $1.00 bottles of PBR's (Pabst Blue Ribbon) during those three hours.

We also set up plenty of beer pong tables at both locations during Happy Hour.
And don't forget, Sunday through Thursday nights we run Sexy Bull Riding Contests starting at 11:30 PM. Sexy Bullriding Winners Receive The Following Prizes:

First Place: $200 Cash + 2 Key West Ghost Tour Tickets

Second Place: One Cowboy Bill's Gift Certificate (good for drinks or clothing), 2 Key West Ghost Tour Tickets and 1 Scooter Rental from Sunshine Rentals

Third Place: One Cowboy Bill's Gift Certificite (good for drinks or clothing), 2 Key West Ghots Tour tickets and 1 Scooter Rental from Sunshine Rentals

And Don't Forget Craig Boyd and Southland start playing nightly between 9:45 PM and 10:00 PM . . . depending on the night.

Oh, and next week, our most requested band of all time, Scarekrow, will be taking stage for two weeks straight as Craig Boyd is doing right now.

So drop by early, stay late, this bar never closes early, never. We take it to 3:45 AM every night of the year.
See you here . . . and bring plenty of suntan lotion . . . the weather's great. See the beach photos I took yesterday mixed in with club photos. The weather's great, wish you were here!

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