A last minute P.S. for this post: As soon as the game is over, Scarekrow will light up our stage like neon swizzle sticks in the night sky!
Get Ready for the 2nd Annual Cowboy Bill's - Coors Light Super Bowl Party!
Howdy, it's Rowdy with some news about the 2nd Annual Super Bowl Party.
If you were at this party last year, you know it was the best Super Bowl party of any bar in Key West.
Like last year, this year we will be giving away two 37 inch LCD HD TVs made by Vizio. To be one of the two winners of these TVs, you must qualify by being one of the first 200 people through our doors.
Here's How the LCD TV Giveaway Football Pool works
Like last year, we are only selling 300 tickets to this year's party. But only the first 200 of the 300 people admitted will be entered in the giant Coors Light-Cowboy Bill's TV giveaways. We are erecting a giant sized 8' X 8' game pool board (100 squares like a regular office pool for football). If you are one of the first 200 people in the doors, you will have your ID bracelet number written with a Sharpie in one of those squares. You will share that square with one other person.
At the beginning of the game, the persons with the scores ending in 0,0 will be escorted to two inflatable chairs up on the Rock Star Party Deck. Those two people will drink free beer or mixed drinks the whole time they sit in those chairs.
When the score change . . . and for illustrative purposes let's say Pittsburgh Steelers score first with a field goal . . .we then go out and find the two people whose square corresponds with Pittsburgh 3, St. Louis 0. These two people will then take over the two chairs from the people who were sitting in them at the beginning of the game when the score was 0-0.
Again, the two new people sitting in the Rock Star Party Deck chairs will drink FREE.
Now here's where the TVs come in . . .
The last two people sitting in the chairs at the end of the game win the two TVs. They will walk out of Cowboy Bill's with the two new televisions worth $1500 each at retail.
Last year, an out of town couple won a TV. The other was won by Bob and Deb who are regulars at Cowboy Bill's and that really made us happy as Bob and Deb are big time supporters of our bands.
Other specials for our 2nd Annual Super Bowl Party
All 300 of you who enter the bar will receive a wrist band corresponding to the team you support. Let's say you are rooting for the Arizona Cardinals. And let's say they score 5 times during this game. Well, all you need to do is show your wrist band to a bartender or waitress and you will receive one free shot every time your team scores! Five scores = five shots. Hello!
Also, your ticket purchase ($20 per person) will entitle you to an all you can eat Southern Style BBQ Buffet with all the fixins. Last year, every scrap was eaten it was so good. So, this year, we're bringing back our friends from Dolphin Deli up on Stock Island to cater our food again. Come hungry!

Since Coors Light is co-promoting, we will sell buckets of Coors Light for $10 all throughout the game.
We will also have other door prizes and T-shirt giveaways.
And, for sure, you'll be seeing a lot of your friends at this event.
Now if you want your $20 tickets, you better get them tonight. You can do this two ways:
1. Either buy the tickets from me while I'm in the DJ Booth all night
2. Go to http://www.keystix.com/ and buy them online
By the way, tonight's band is one of this town's favorites, Scarekrow. They will also be playing tomorrow, Sunday, right after the game ends.
Speaking of which . . . the game starts at 6:20 . . . at least that's what time the NFL says kickoff will be this year. However, the gates open at 12 noon. And keep in mind, it's the first 200 people to arrive with tickets in hand (you can buy them at the door if any are let), will be entered into the TV Giveaway Football Pool.
So, get here early. Hang out. Play some pinball, watch the buildup to the game, talk to the band members hanging out early with us employees.
See you Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! Feel the power, power, power!
Cowboy Bill's - Coor's Light's 2nd Annual Super Bowl Party!
Rowdy over and out,
p.s. Again, tickets are only $20 and you get the buffet, free shots everytime your team scores, you can sit indoors or outdoors and watch the game on our 36 TVs and big screens. We will set up tables and chairs on the dancefloor and those go by a "first come, first seated" basis. And don't forget, only the first 200 of you 300 people will entered in the gigantic LCD TV Giveaway Football Pool. Free shots every time your team scores. Buckets of Coors Light for only $10. Huge Southern Style BBQ Buffet (eat all you want). And 300 people screaming for their favorite team.
It's going to be a humdinger. Hope to see you here!
p.p.s. Tickets can be bought from me Saturday Night for $20 or you can order online at http://www.keystix.com/